As a reminder – that’s how the EditProductPage looks:
First of all we need a view model class. Create a class named EditProductPageVM, and derive it from the class PageVM. Add a constructor with parameters of type ISystemConnector and PageFrameVM and and pass the parameters to the base class constructor:
namespace SimpleMVVM.ViewModels { public class EditProductPageVM : PageVM { public EditProductPageVM(ISystemConnector systemConnector, PageFrameVM pageFrame) : base(systemConnector, pageFrame) { } } }
Create a new RelayCommand named ShowEditProductPageCommand in MainMenuPageVM:
using System.Windows; namespace SimpleMVVM.ViewModels { public class MainMenuPageVM : PageVM { private RelayCommand _showEditProductPageCommand; public MainMenuPageVM(ISystemConnector systemConnector, PageFrameVM pageFrame) : base(systemConnector, pageFrame) { _quitCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecuteQuit, QuitCanExecute); _showEditCustomerPageCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecuteShowEditCustomerPageCommand, ShowEditCustomerPageCommandCanExecute); _showEditProductPageCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecuteShowEditProductPageCommand, ShowEditProductPageCommandCanExecute); MainMenuButtonVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } public RelayCommand ShowEditProductPageCommand { get { return _showEditProductPageCommand; } set { _showEditProductPageCommand = value; } } private void ExecuteShowEditProductPageCommand(object o) { PageFrame.CurrentPage = new EditProductPageVM(SystemConnector, PageFrame); } private bool ShowEditProductPageCommandCanExecute(object o) { return true; } } }
Create a new EditProductPageVM object in ExecuteShowEditProductPageCommand() and assign it to the CurrentPage property of the page frame object:
using System.Windows; namespace SimpleMVVM.ViewModels { public class MainMenuPageVM : PageVM { // ... private void ExecuteShowEditProductPageCommand(object o) { PageFrame.CurrentPage = new EditProductPageVM(SystemConnector, PageFrame); } } }
Bind to the new command in MainMenuPage.xaml:
<UserControl x:Class="SimpleMVVM.MainMenuPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:SimpleMVVM" mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300"> <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> <Button Content="Edit Customers" Command="{Binding ShowEditCustomerPageCommand}" Style="{StaticResource MainMenuButton}" /> <Button Content="Edit Products" Command="{Binding ShowEditProductPageCommand}" Style="{StaticResource MainMenuButton}" /> <Button Content="Calculate Invoice" Style="{StaticResource MainMenuButton}" /> <Button Content="Quit" Command="{Binding QuitCommand}" Style="{StaticResource MainMenuButton}" /> </StackPanel> </UserControl>
We finally need a data template for the page itself in App.xaml:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type VM:EditProductPageVM}"> <View:EditProductPage /> </DataTemplate>
If you run the application, the page should display now.