Since we have a system class that ties everything together, we can now write the first test.

Add a new Unit Test Project to your solution; name it SimpleMVVMTests.

Rename the pregenerated test method to InitTest() and put the following code in it:

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using SimpleMVVM.ViewModels;

namespace SimpleMVVMTests
    public class UnitTest1
        public void InitTest()
            SimpleMVVMApp app = new SimpleMVVMApp();
            MainMenuPageVM mainWindow = (MainMenuPageVM)app.PageFrame.CurrentPage;

Note: You will have to add a reference to the main project in the test project.
This creates a new object of our system class, initializes it and tests whether the initialization has made the main menu page the current page.

Run the test – it should be green.

We could (and should) also test whether our main menu button is hidden as it’s supposed to be:

using System;
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using SimpleMVVM.ViewModels;

namespace SimpleMVVMTests
    public class UnitTest1 : ISystemConnector
        private int _quitCallCounter;

        public void InitTest()
            // reset counter
            _quitCallCounter = 0;

            // create app
            SimpleMVVMApp app = new SimpleMVVMApp(this);
            // initialize app
            // current page should be MainMenuPage
            MainMenuPageVM mainMenuPage = (MainMenuPageVM)app.PageFrame.CurrentPage;
            // and main menu button should be collapsed
            Assert.AreEqual(Visibility.Collapsed, app.PageFrame.MainMenuButtonVisibility);

            // click "Quit"
            // Quit() should have been called exactly once
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _quitCallCounter);

        public void Quit()

Next step: SimpleMVVM, Part 5: The MainMenuPage view model